Luwero Bosasy Uganda Limited is a Ugandan based company. It was incorporated in 2013 by a group of enthusiasts after obtaining requisite approvals and permits from the government of the Republic of Uganda to be recognised as a legal company.
The main of forming Luwero Bosasy Uganda Limited was to organize a body that can ably produce and provide protective equipment such as Bullet proof Vests, Helmets and other Protective items.
Luwero Bosasy Uganda Limited is an acronym that stands for Body Safety System. A group of words that summarize exactly what the company is all about;
Luwero Bosasy Uganda Limited has since taken off and is currently able to produce more than 4000 Bullet Proof Vests regardless of the type or design per month, an indicator that Bosasy is on truck to achieving her goal.
Our Company has also managed to set up a laboratory, allowing her to carry out a variety of studies of ballistic materials. This laboratory is one of a kind in the entire East and Central Africa.
Luwero Bosasy Uganda Limited has now been awarded a Certificate from the Russian Certification Agency for the very high level of protection for the ballistics used for our products.
The Company carries out a number or Research on the new ballistic materials to ensure that the product has modern and reliable protection frames.
Luwero Bosasy Uganda Limited has since grown to expand her wings and is proud to be a part of the Big National Enterprises Company (Luwero Industries) a state corporation under the Ministry of defence/corporation, which has agreed to partner with us to realize the Bosasy dream of protecting people.
The partnership was affected in the July, 2016 and this only proves our eligibility to work for and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uganda.